Family Photos

Friday, 26 November 2004

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This morning, Cooper played with Grandpa, before Aunt Gayle, Steve, cousin Adam and his friends came over to load up the piano in their truck to move it back to their house in PA.  We also got to see some of Aunt Gayle's fabulous quilts.  It was quite an event!

The afternoon took us all to Uncle Gary's house for Great-Grandma's party. All the Chicago-based Lesters were there, as well as family from Utah, Idaho and Pennsylvania.  Present were:  Grandma, Dan, Andy, Amy, Quinn, Cinda, Henri, Cooper, Glenn, Sue, Shayna, Sue, Sunny, Megan, Eric T., Irv, Wendy, Eric L., Marlo, Celeste, Connor, Gary, Shelly, Adam, Mark, Jeff, Grant, Jack, Gayle, Steve, Marilyn, Phil, Laurie, DeRo and Jim.  It was quite the event.  Dinner for Grandma and her children was held in the dining room, while everyone else dined downstairs.  After dinner, everyone sang happy birthday to Grandma and had cake before going to the basement to watch the family DVD - Great-Great-Grandma grace's family movie from 1986 and Great-Grandma's additions to the family history filmed this summer in Utah.  It was a wonderful day for everyone.








